lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009

UW Fish

Today, I discarded the next deck: U/W FISH

Here it is the winning deck of Fernando Yanguas on a tournament of 133 people and for me the better Fish deck found into my analysis.
Other change would be 1 Sword to plowshares for a Hurkyl’s recall (after Ink. Leviathan meta.) because on that Championship weren't Inkwell leviathan yet and now Darksteel Colossus has been replaced at 50% by the Leviathan

3 Icatian Javelineers
3 Jötun Grunt
2 Kataki, War's Wage
4 Meddling Mage
4 Ninja of the Deep Hours
4 Sage of Epityr
1 Ancestral Recall
1 Brainstorm
3 Daze
4 Force of Will
3 Stifle
3 Swords to Plowshares
1 Time Walk
1 Mox Pearl
1 Mox Sapphire
3 Null Rod
4 Flooded Strand
2 Island
1 Plains
3 Polluted Delta
1 Strip Mine
4 Tundra
4 Wasteland
60 cards
2 Disenchant
1 Echoing Truth
3 Spell Snare
1 Swords to Plowshares
2 Energy Flux
4 Pithing Needle
2 Umezawa's Jitte
15 cards .

Personally, I love the deck but… you are always in a constant preassure, like a heart attack and you have to suffer all the games… Usually, we have 7 rounds and I think is too much …

The best card in the meta is Null rod and Daze surprise if you don’t have mana untapped
If you analyse card by card, plays an important place on all the metagame:

Icatian->welders/confidants (full of them)
Jotum-> Makes pression 4/4, cleaning the graveyards, finishers and on 3rd or 4th turn it's a bomb!
Kataki->artefact decks and stax
Meddling->anti combo, oath or stax (smokestack)
Ninja->draw engine and recycle jotum if you don’t have cards or sage of ep. Manipulating library
Sage->manipulate library
Counters/stifles, …
And so on…

I will discard the deck only for 1 motive: HEART ATTACK! I’m young but …
Other point what I’m not sure is the increase of BUG vs Fish decks and Tarmogoyif for me gives a bigger opportunities vs fish decks (ok Jitte sideb) but … It could be 50%-50% because fish has more creatures and swords but...

On our meta the BUG decks increased (after Annency and Trygon predator, noble hierarch vs fish decks until the last tournament (june), but after the July tournament I found differences increasing the fish players vs the other… and make confusion on my expectations…
The reality was the july tourn, was on holidays, the players weren’t the same, the distance of the tournament bigger than the other … I don’t know how will affect the final meta and I’m still waiting the deck breakdown from my friend Grrr!
I modified the article after the comments arrived and if you select comments, you will find a lot of important information from a Fish expert

2 comentarios:

  1. hola

    como jugador de uw fish veo mucho errores en este articulo, comenzando en q creo q fernando no es "xouman" (es yanguas, tal cual)

    el mazo analizado es un cañon, pero para un contexto determinadisimo, como fue el pasado open (no habia calamares), por lo tanto es dificil analizarlo pues siempre le vas a cambiar la configuracion dependiendo del torneo.

    el loto es muy circunstancial, qitar mas dazes seria convertirlos en muy randoms y los annuls son bastante suboptimos, mucho mejor los snares, q cierran el cc2 q no nos gusta (drains, confis, demonic, esferas, oath -premio si te toca una oath!- etc); los serenitys barren tu nullrod (el pilar de la baraja) con lo q tampoco es muy aconsejable

    castear un jotun en turno 2 es un error; hay 3 cartas de cc2 mucho mas importantes (rod, mago o kataki), ademas castear el jotun tan pronto es malgastarlo, pq a lo sumo aguanta 2 turnos (lo q interesa es q aguante 3 minimo) y lo q nos interesa es q finiqite

    bug no es mejor pq tenga tarmos... uw fish tiene mas criaturas, amén de swords y magos (q inutilizan las criaturas contrarias de 4 en 4)

    respecto las barajas d TK...increased? sure? ...

    solo concrepo en lo de q es una baraja d remar mucho, pero vaya, si no cierras la partida en turno 4, ya no la vas a cerrar..

    lo siento pero muy pobre el articulo..


  2. gracias por tu aportación, como puedes ver soy nefasto jugador de fish... voy a actualizar los errores que me has comentado y agradecerte tu colaboración.

    Estoy empezando a analizar y a desarrollar el blog e intentaré hacer lo máximo por mi parte
